Good Friday

It's late in the evening as I write this and I've had a busy but good day, it's Good Friday.
This is one of those days in the year were no matter what I'm doing my mind is thinking about the events that occurred on this day two thousand plus years ago. So this evening I wanted to share a few poems and the Bible verse that has inspired them.

Good Friday
Ever before me today,
all that You have done,
ever before me always,
the victory You have won.
2 Corinthians chapter 5 verse 21 says: God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God.
Jesus became sin for us.
He became:
every lie ever told,
be it ever so subtle,
or ever so bold,
every hurtful or malicious,
word ever spoken,
every gossip uttered,
every trust that's been broken,
every stolen item,
every robbery,
every selfish act,
every "all for me,"
every cold hearted killer,
every homicide,
every murderous rampage,
every genocide,
every dirty little secret,              
everyone's most shameful thought,
separated on the cross from His Father, God,
He became everything He is not.
His Righteousness
Though I'm too ashamed to tell you,
the depth of sin He has saved me from,
I can tell you Jesus has saved this sinner,
and now righteous I've become,
not righteous in my own strength,
no it's nothing that I've earned,
but He clothed me in His righteousness,
the moment that I turned.
Thank-you Jesus for paying for all of my wrong doing.
