
Have you ever had the best of intentions to do something, but got distracted before accomplishing your goal? Maybe you just got busy with other stuff and never saw it through to completion. I've been busy with "other stuff" lately, maybe a little to busy!
You see I have this desire in my heart to pray, read my bible and serve the Lord, but I get easily distracted. I want to point people to Jesus but other things consume my time and attention. I guess that's the reason this is the thirteenth post on The Greatest Treasure instead of the one hundred and thirteenth post.
This world can be a distracting place!

Sometimes we can't see Jesus,
for the clutter of the day,
He's right where He's always been,
but the world got in the way.
Please forgive us Lord
for choosing worldly distraction
over Divine interaction

So here's to being less distracted by the world and more focused on the one who created it.
May God Bless, strengthen and encourage you.

