The Bible

Happy 2016 everyone!
So, as you hang the new calendar on your wall are there things you're joyfully anticipating in the days, weeks and months to come, or is there instead concern, fear and uncertainty weighing heavy on your heart?
If I were to be completely honest I would have to say I'm a mixture of both. Maybe to a greater or lesser degree some of you are too.
But if there is one thing that is an encouragement to me, year in and year out, it is God's word, the Bible. As I read it I learn of God's great love for us, and the more I read it the more I discover it is like a deep, deep ocean that I, no matter how much time I spend in it, will never fully plumb the depths of.
In Psalms ch. 119 vs. 105 it says: Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.
And in Hebrews ch. 4 vs. 12 it says: For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.
If you are a follower of Jesus you likely already know how awesome the bible is, and you likely already have a bible reading plan that you will be following this year. That's a great thing to do! As for myself I'm starting a reading plan that takes me through the bible in two years. (I'm not a super fast reader.)
But if you are not yet a follower of Jesus and not quite sure what to believe, please let me encourage you to get a bible if you don't have one and read it. This might seem a little strange but when you start to read it don't start at the beginning, instead start in the gospel of John. It's the fourth book in the New Testament.
I hope everyone has a great year reading the Bible.
May God encourage you and speak into your heart as you read His Word.



  1. brian, you may not consider yourself a 'fast' reader of the Scriptures but i definitely consider you a 'deep' reader of the Scriptures - which is preferable by far!

    happy new year to you and your family!

  2. Thanks Patrick,
    You are always so generous and kind with your comments. You are a genuine encourager, thank you. Happy new year to you and your family also!


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