The first and best Christmas gift

Over two thousand years ago God announced the birth of Jesus by sending Angels to Shepherds taking care of sheep in the fields surrounding Bethlehem and putting a brilliant star in the sky, getting the attention of wise men far to the east. I've never seen an Angel to my knowledge, but I have been overwhelmed by the awesomeness of  God just by looking up at the starry night sky. Today I'd like to share something I wrote down several years ago. But first here is Psalm 8, verses 3 and 4 from the N.I.V.

When I consider your heavens,
the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars,
which you have set in place,
what is man that you are mindful of him,
the son of man that you care for him?
"While going to work at 4:00am one morning, I marveled at the star filled sky and at God who had created all those stars.
On that early star filled morning I think I gained a deeper appreciation of Almighty God. But even that title doesn't do justice to the creator of the universe.
It's humbling and exalting all in one when we realize we are a tiny person, on a small planet, orbiting around an average star that is one of billions of stars included in what is called the Milky Way galaxy, which is one of possibly billions of galaxies in the universe.
That's the humbling part!
The exalting part is the creator of it all made us in His own image. He loves us so much, He sent His  son Jesus Christ to be not only the light of the world but to be crucified on a wooden cross paying the price for our sin. Taking upon Himself the punishment we deserved.
Almighty God gave an almighty sacrifice, so that we could have the opportunity to accept through His grace, the gift of eternal life!
So whenever you have the opportunity to look at the stars, let them serve to remind you of God's glory and majesty and the amazing love and compassion He has for each of us."
I also wanted to suggest that this year while opening your Christmas gifts, take a quiet moment to invite into your heart, again or maybe for the first time, the first and best Christmas gift ever given, God's own Son, Jesus.
Merry Christmas


  1. great post brian - thanks for reminding us all of the greatness of God, and the greatness of His love for us. here's wishing you and your family a very merry Christmas as well!

    1. Hey Patrick, thanks very much. Hope you and your family have a great Christmas.


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